Compelling Reasons to Choose AccuKnox over Wiz
Unlike Wiz, which lacks critical modules like Inline Prevention, AccuKnox offers a comprehensive Cloud Native Application Security Platform (CNAPP), that ensures 100% prevention from advanced "Zero-Day" attacks. Powered by inline runtime security, AccuKnox stops threats before they happen and takes action at cloud speed.
On Premise Deployment Support
AccuKnox Solution can be deployed via both On Premise and SaaS Models
Wiz is only available via SaaS Model
On Premise Security Scanning Support
Consists of Scanning and Remediation features
Consists of Scanning and Remediation features
In Roadmap
Vulnerabilities Management
Segregation of False Positives, least priority, not applicable vulnerabilities from Active ones
Segregation of False Positives, least priority, not applicable vulnerabilities from Active ones
Container Image Scan
Repo Scan - ECR, GCR, Nexus, DockerHub
Regularly scan images in container registries to detect vulnerabilities and security risks before deployment to the runtime environment
KSPM: KIEM + Preemptive Runtime mitigation
Researching about Wiz alternatives?
Evaluate how AccuKnox stands apart from Wiz security based on key features, pros and cons. We have compiled a list of solutions that leading organizations compare while considering AccuKnox as a potential Wiz alternative. While analyzing AccuKnox and Wiz side by side you can differentiate competencies, integration, deployment, service, support, and specific product capabilities that will influence your purchasing decision.
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On an average Zero Day Attacks cost $3.9M
Marketplace Listings
Compliance Coverage
Integrations Support